We're "NOT"
His first nor His Last*
...Our GOD is a GOD of "Billions"...He has existed
for billions upon billions of human years in 'eternity past'
creating billions upon billions of other creations of all shapes, sizes
and levels that neither the : 'mortal and corrupted' minds
and eyes of men have ever imagined and much less ever seen...Our
GOD truly is an "AWESOME" GOD; even the word 'awesome' doesn't
do Him true justice !!!...For He has created : billions of stars, billions
of Galaxies, billions of planets, billions of cells in each of our bodies, billions of neurons in our brains,
billions upon billions of atoms, billions of Angels, billions of human
beings, billions of DNA combinations; you get the picture ?...( I could
go on for billions of miliseconds mentioning the billions of things
that GOD created but I think you get the idea* ) ...I believe it was in Kindergarten where I was first
introduced to the concept of "PATTERNS" do you see a
"Pattern" in GOD's creations ? ...What this poor servant of
GOD is trying to say is that the Universe is "FULL"
of life !!! What do you think GOD was doing in the
eons of eternity past before He created this creation in this
section of the Universe ?
- an insignificant
observation of mario romano
...GOD Almighty, has been forever creating throughout eternity
for His sheer pleasure !!!...The Holy Bible
makes it perfectly clear that GOD had trillions+ of
other living beings ( Son's of GOD =Angels=Their numbers are compared to the stars* )
who were created 'BEFORE' us outside of the 'Time and Space'
of our : Earth, our solar sytem, our galaxy and this Universe !!! ( Job 38 : 7 )...This useless servant of Jesus Christ 'reminds' everyone
that 'NOT' everyone else in the other heavens ( plural*) sinned
nor rebelled against GOD Almighty !!! ( Revelation 12 : 12 )...This Universe is 'FULL'
of other very different creations that were 'NOT' created in the 'Image of
GOD' and that Jesus Christ did 'NOT' have to die for !!!...GOD
loves all of His Creations very simply because they were all
created by Him and for Him !!!...This servant of Jesus Christ
would be lying to you if he stated that we are going to be GOD's
final creation; GOD 'SHALL' continue to keep on creating throughout
all eternity, this all has 'NO' end and GOD has 'NO'
limitations !!! GOD created different 'Levels' of creation and
He in His sovereignly is populating eternity with creations
that are very different from one another. A tree was created
to produce 'fruit and seed' and galaxies were created to be
the cradle of numerous other planets that hold numerous
other creations of a living GOD in a living Universe !!!
The Angels were 'NOT' supervising mere 'dark matter'
before we were created and GOD was not existing in darkness
before He created artificial light in Genesis; 'YES" there was
already creation long, long, before Genesis 1, Genesis is our
beginning in eternity and eternity has been going on longer
than you,me or anyone can begin to imagine and fully comprehend !!!
...Eternity has been going on longer than 7 thousand years since
Adam and Eve were created on this planet and even longer than
7 milllion or 7 billion years that secular scientists date
this Universe !!! This student of Theology is merely 'scratching
the surface' of this 'deep, deep' theological subject and topic;
GOD our Creator 'Cannot' be put into any 'one box ' nor explained
by anyone theory, nor figured all out by any mathematical
equation for the very heavens of the heavens 'Cannot' contain
HIm !!! ( 1 King's 8 : 27 )...Yes, all the
other trillions+ of galaxies in this Universe are 'NOT' all empty;
GOD is a GOD of the living and in His omnipresence He is
present in all of His creations; He shall be with us in
the Millenium and later in the New Jerusalem 'BUT' in no
way is He abandoning His original 'Son's =Angels, GOD has more
than enough love for all of His creatures; great and small
and 'ALL' are very, very special to Him for everyone and everything
was created for His sheer pleasure !!! ( Revelation 4 : 11 )...One does 'NOT' need to be a Prophet nor
have a Ph.D. to meditate upon and witness the awesome
and unlimited powers of an : Infinite and Eternal Creator : Thee
WORD of GOD : JESUS CHRIST***...It is the
'Pride' of many who does not let them see beyond their
very noses !!!
( Unless you become
like little children you cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD*
- Matthew 18 : 3 )
( Mario is a student
of : Microbiology, Astronomy, Theology, Quantum Physics, Astrobiology and FEARS thee
Holy GOD of ISRAEL manifested in : JESUS CHRIST ***)
For some unknown reason too many people seem to
be totally "Oblivious" to the fact that ETERNITY has
been going 'on and on and on' for quite a 'very, very, very'
long time before we were ever created by GOD here on planet
Earth !!!...The truth is that ETERNITY will also continue
to go 'on and on and on' long after we are transformed
and transported into the 'New Jerusalem' promised in the 'Book
of Revelation' and GOD; the Creator of ETERNITY itself will
continue to 'create and create and create' because that is
His very nature; for HE is the : Giver, Designer, Engineer, Architect, Sustainer
and Father of all life seen and unseen !!!
...When this poor servant of
GOD ALMIGHTY observes with his 'little two eyes' that GOD
gave him; a vast and seemingless endless Universe with billions
of 'stars, galaxies and planets' that GOD "ALSO" created;
it is very clear to me that what GOD did with
this planet ( GOD created over 6+ million different
living species just on Earth alone***); HE can easily also
do to the billions of other planets !!!...This servant of GOD
won't be surprised when this reality is confirmed to us
in ETERNITY FUTURE !!!...You see, GODs creative powers know
"NO" end, have "NO" limits and HE has been
creating in all of ETERNITY PAST and HE will continue
to keep on creating in ETERNITY FUTURE "BECAUSE" HE
can; that is His very nature : CREATOR of everything that ever
has been and ever will be !!! ( and
this poor servant of his has no complaints with just being
one of HIS billion's of creations on planet Earth !!!)...GOD
hasn't just been sitting on HIS Throne for the most part
...My question is not whether or not GOD created
us; my question is how many millions of other life forms
HE has created in all of eternity past and in the rest of the
99.99% of this Universe ?..."IF" my "Theory of Patterns"
is true then GOD has created 'millions upon millions' of
other creations all throughout eternity and in this Universe
long before HE created us in this remote section of this
Galaxy and this Universe !!!...And "NO" not all
of GOD's other creations were created in 'His image' nor did
they or can they sin like us; all creations were created
by GOD to serve a special purpose to Him for we "ALL"
were created for His pleasure ( Revelation 4 : 11 KJV ) so
no one should be exalting themselves or complaining; life is a gift
from GOD***...This servant of GOD understands that many
people have trouble believing that the Universe doesn't revolve around 'them' and
it is very unfortunate that most people cannot see any further
than their nose !!!...We were "ALL" created to be part
of something greater than our 'individual self' for by serving others
it is then that we serve GOD !!!...This poor servant of
Jesus Christ has "NO" problem knowing that I must share
GOD's love with billions of other human beings who were
also created in the very "Image of GOD" and I have no
problem knowing that I was created lower than the Angels in Heaven who
have already seen the Glory of GOD Thee Almighty !!!...This poor
servant of Jesus Christ is just grateful to be alive !!!
( I Thank You GOD, for having created this servant of yours,
hallelujah !!! )
...Are we GOD's favorite and most special creation
ever ???...The truth is that everything that GOD created is very
special to HIM; for we were all created by Him & for
His pleasure !!! ( Revelation 4 : 11 -KJV )...Does
the fact that billions of human beings who continue to
be born in this planet mean that GOD's love for you
and me diminishes ???...GOD has more than enough love
for all of "His" Angels in heaven, for Israel and the
Jews as well as for all of His Church !!!...The
truth is that the other creations of GOD created before
the fall of Lucifer did not sin against GOD like we did
and therefore they have no need of salvation...We are "Like"
the Parable of the 100 sheep, we are that 'Lost Sheep' the
other 99 sheep didn't stray !!!...GOD loves all of His creations
like none of us can understand for we are all a product
of His love !!!...Each creation serves a very
special purpose to GOD in His Eternal plans and in His "SOVEREIGNTY"
He creates different lifeforms as He pleases; that our corrupted
eyes have not seen nor our human imagination can fanthom nor
imagine !!!...ALL of Eternity doesn't hinge on this creation
on planet Earth; for it is by the sheer grace of GOD
we were not all consumed long ago !!! ( Lamentations 3 :
22 ) and thee Holy Bible clearly reveals to us that GOD
regretted having created us in Genesis 6 : 6; because of our inclination
toards wickedness and evil !!!...The very same Creator
: GOD; who created over 4+ million different species here on Earth
with different combinations of : eyes, ears, bodies, mouths, noses and heads
truly did "NOT" begin creating here on planet Earth nor
will He cease eternally creating after us on this planet !!!...The
vastness of Eternity is GOD's canvas; and does He create one
Masterpiece after another !!!
...It is rather obvious to this poor servant
of thee Most High GOD, that there is something even greater
outside of the confines of this expanding Universe that allows
it in the first place to continue expanding !!!...and it is
rather obvious that the Black Holes are like the 'drain pipes'
of this Universe that obviously connect this Universe to something
else outside of it ( just like the sink & drain pipes in your home connect to the sea itself
*) !!!...In Genesis 1, GOD brings forth light and the light
has yet to stop for it appears that this Universe is expanding even
faster than the speed of light !!! ...My Bible reveals to
me that "NOT" even the very heavens of the heavens
can contain GOD : Jehova the ALL MIGHTY !!! ( 1 Kings 8 : 27 )-an
insignificant observation of the laws of the natural universe of mario romano
...Would you believe me if I told you that
we're all in this 'giant-like waterball' revolving around a 'enormous
fireball' 1+ million times larger than us; at the rate of 66,000+
miles per hour ? and yet we have not all 'yet' drowned nor been
burned up ?...What is even more 'mind-boggling' is that this pattern
repeats itself all over the Universe with other billions of planets
orbiting other billions of suns !!! ...What is even 'yet' more
humbling to know is that we are not even at the center
of our own Galaxy; a galaxy that itself is one of billions
of others !!!
- a very humble mario romano student of Bible Prophecy
...GOD is "NOT" limited by anything when it
comes to creation; and He most certainly doesn't work around
any : budgets, any bureaucracy, any shortage of natural resources for the
entire Universes are His canvases and He creates everything
solely and sovereignly for His pleasure...He didn't need your input
nor mine 'then' nor does He need it 'now'...It is no secret
that GOD already had billions of other created beings called
"Son's of GOD" ( Job 38 : 7 *) before you and I came
along so let's stop being egotistical about the love of GOD,
for He created all out of love for He is love...The truth
is that neither you nor I were His first creation and despite the fact
that I am but one of billions of other human beings created in
this planet and in this creation I have no ego problems with that;
I'm just happy to be alive !!! - an insignificant comment by mario romano; student
of Theology
...Planet earth is
itself a microcosm of the very Universe we all inhabit; our
planet has inhospitable regions where all appears dead ( deserts ) and
yet it contains regions were millions upon millions of different
species of all shapes and sizes thrive !!!...You and I were
created on this planet by GOD Almighty and we were "NOT"
the only one's created; GOD created millions of other species
whom we share this planet with...While we are the highest order
of life on this planet the Prophets of the Bible were
clearly revealed that there is "ALOT" of other life
forms created by GOD moving about and throughout this Universe :
Psalms 68 : 17, Job 38 , Zechariah 6 : 1, The Nephilim-giants in Genesis, Revelation
4 : 6 the Four -living beings and of course the billions of angels*...This Universe
is thriving with GOD's unlimited powers of creations and I
very much doubt that He has stopped bringing forth new
life forms as His Spirit of Life moves throughout
the other of billions of galaxies and the billions of other
planets !!! -personal insignificant opinion of mario
..."It is very, very interesting to note that right
since the very beginning and even before "The Fall"
the eternal GOD who knows the end from the beginning had already decided to
limit humankind to this planet alone when He commanded mankind
to only Fill & dominate this planet
(earth) in Genesis 1 : 28 ... It is "NO" coincidence
that thousands of years later and even with all our breakthroughs in technology
and science; all our space explorations still have us all
'stuck & confined' on planet earth." - Mario
Romano; an insignificant observation*
...I just finished reading a very popular book
about our Universe and in the very first page I came
across a major astronomical mistake and presumption; according to the
books author this Universe holds all of time and space and
there is nothing else outside of it; boy are they wrong
!!!...The very expansion of the Universe tells us that there has
to be something even bigger outside of it otherwise it wouldn't
be expanding to begin with*...Our GOD operates outside of time
and space and I wouldn't be surprised that there are many
other Universes*
While I
know myself as a creation of GOD, I am also obligated to
realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are
also GOD's creation; but only those who obey Him
and abide in Him in the heavenly realms and on earth
does He give them the power and the right to become & be
called His sons; the true children of the Most High GOD
!!!........................ -
Famous Author
...For by Him all things were created, both in
the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or
dominions or rulers or authorities -- all things have been created
through Him and for Him. -Colossians 1 : 16
...All too often most who study the Book of
Genesis overlook the fact that eternity did "not" begin
in Genesis 1 with us; for there was alot already
going on in eternity past before GOD completed this
creation and perhaps billions upon billions of 'human years' had
already transpired before the fall of Lucifer took
place in which numerous other creations were also created
by GOD which were never part of any fall.
- Mario Romano ( just an insignificant personal
thought & observation* )
...What we do know about GOD 'Biblically
speaking' is that GOD already had billions of Angels
created before us, as a Good Sheperd He has "many" other
sheep, as a Sower He plants "many" seeds, as the Vine
of all life He produces "many" fruits, as the Creator
He has created billions of stars and billions of planets, and over 6+
million different species alone here on earth, as a Father He enjoys
having "many" which He calls His sons and as a giver
of life He has proven to have creative powers that
are not limited to basing all of His creations on
Carbon* ( carbon based life forms; "NOT" all of GODs creations are similiar
to us, GODs imagination and creative powers know no limitations* ) -
Mario Romano
...Neither our
own Milky Way Galaxy, nor our solar system and much less our own planet singularly occupy
1% of this Universe...EUinProphecy.com and Mario Romano are "CONVINCED" that GOD has created innumerable
other "CREATIONS" in 'eternity past and eternity future'
apart from us in His "SOVEREIGNTY."...This is a continuation
of other "personal opinions" that are "NOT" being
pushed as : doctrine, nor personal heavenly revelations...GOD did not reveal
everthing to mankind because most of us can't handle the
truth...Most people as it is have trouble handling the simple
truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; they have trouble believing that GOD
became a man so that He could die in our place
!...Our Lord Jesus Christ himself stated that : " I have spoken to you of earthly
things and you do not believe, how will you possibly believe if I tell you of heavenly
things ? ( John 3 : 12 )...GOD has Biblically only revealed to
us enough for us to know the most important things he wants
us to know...Just as we have figured out many things ( the hard
way !!! ) since the Garden of Eden; GOD knew that we would
figure out many, many things as time progressed, He even
told Daniel that 'knowledge would multiply in the last days' and
GOD even stated through the Prophet Habakkuk : "the earth
shall be filled with the Glory of the knowledge of the Lord, as the
waters cover the sea." ( Habakkuk 2 : 14 )...What you are about
to read is just an attempt to declare what is obvious
to me about the unlimited powers of creation that GOD has
at His disposal***
...As I have stated in previous occasions , we know
Biblically speaking that we most certainly are not GOD's first
creation, nor His "supreme" creation yet these facts do
"NOT" minimize GOD's love for us 'one iota'...I state this
because I have heard various Bible Scholars and regular believers
state on several occasions that GOD loves us more
than the Angels !!!...Such a statement and 'opinion' is wrong,
GOD has a special love for each one of His creations and
He most certainly has more than enough love that surpasses all
human understanding for each and everyone of His creations...An example
of this is ourselves, there's billions of us in this planet alone
and I don't argue over who GOD loves more; does He love the Jews
more than His Church ? Does He love the french more than the Chinese ? Does GOD love
short people more than He loves tall people ? ...GOD creates most everything
out of love for He is the very essence of all love;
the Angels themselves know of GOD's unconditional love and they
have no envy for God's other creations as demonstrated in the
Book of Job ( Job 38 : 7 ) for they rejoiced when GOD
created us !!! ( they also rejoice when one sinner
is saved !!! )...What is even more amazing about GOD
is that He knows the most intimate details of each of us;
Jesus revealed to us that GOD has every hair on our
head counted !!! ( it is estimated that the average person has 100,000 strands
of hair * ) and what is even more amazing is that
GOD even knows each star by name ( Psalms 147 :
4 ) ( we now know that there are many, many billions
of stars than all the human beings who have ever been born on
this planet !!! )
...If you haven't noticed already GOD has created millions
of other species of life forms on this planet alone apart
from us and billions of other : Galaxies, solar systems, planets,
stars all over us, below us and all around us
!!! through the vast expanse of this Universe; do you see a
pattern emerging ? and do you sincerely think that GOD
has been just sitting on His throne resting ever since
Genesis 2 : 2 ?...Some believers have this ego that
makes them want to believe that they are GOD's favorite and
that we are the center of the Universe and the 'supreme
creation' of GOD when Biblically speaking we know that we
aren't for we were created a little bit lower than the
Angels and all of these facts like I've stated before do
"NOT" minimize the love of GOD for us; for GOD has
a special love and more than enough love for all of His
a student of Bible Prophecy, I am in "NO" way stating
that : ufo's, nor the beings of light, nor the greys, nor that ancient astronauts
are the 'other creations' I am referring to...The
'other creations' I am mentioning are those created
'very possibly' in the trillions of years in eternity past
when Lucifer himself had not yet fallen nor the third of
the Angels with him...Sometimes as humans we are too shortsighted,
Genesis 1 is "NOT" the entire account of
all the creations of GOD; it is merely the account of GOD
and 'this' creation for it doesn't mention the creation of
the Angels within it...Additionally, we have to understand that
eternity did "NOT" begin with us, there were many,
many trillions of human years that had already transpired
before "Project Earth" was initiated and completed...The blunt
truth is that we are quite literally 'like' one grain
of sand on a beach, like one cell inside a body, like one atom
in matter and 'literally' one planet upon billions*
...We are "NOT"
in a holographic Universe as some have suggested, GOD always builds
the real thing; He doesn't work around any budget nor around
any limitations or construction restrictions...What is astounding is
what many Astronomers have admitted : "the more we study the
Universe around us the bigger the questions get." Astronomers
have only mapped 2% of the known Universe, even with the
aid of : super-computers, satellites and the help of hundreds of telescopes
including the Hubble telescope !!!...It is clear to this student of Bible
Prophecy that we are unworthy to know the deep mysteries
of GOD !!! ( Book of Revelation 10 : 3-4 )
...Some believers may argue
that GOD is only going to be with us in the New Jerusalem;
this is true but what these believers don't realize or sometimes
forget is that GOD is "Omnipresent" GOD can be
everywhere at once !!!...The very, very high likelihood and possibility
that GOD has created others apart from us does "NOT"
change our position with GOD...GOD has a different 'covenant'
with each of His other creations just as He had them with
the Angels themselves...Each creation is unique and has its own
laws established by GOD; just as every nation on earth has
different laws for its citizens; each creation nonetheless is
very possibly tested by GOD in one way or another differently...Inventors
and manufacturers here on earth don't just stop after they created
one product, usually they keep on creating different inventions and
products and they usually only stop after they've run out of
resources, cash or new ideas but our GOD is not limited
by any of these and that is why I personally believe
that He has created many others of all shapes and
sizes & physically different from us; simply because
He can !!!
Book of Revelation tells us that we were "ALL" simply
created for His pleasure !!! ( Book of Revelation 4 ; 11 -KJV*
)... I state this because some believers hold the
opinion that GOD needs us to oversee all His other
creations...The truth is that GOD has been doing very fine without
us in all of eternity past and He didn't need the
input of any of us in all the 'trillions upon
trillions' of years in eternity past !!!...Life is simply
a gift, enjoy what you have been given and make the best
out of it !!!...The very act of conception is in itself an
amazing creation of GOD, some 100-450+ sperm compete to be
the singular one to produce a human being
above "observations" are just that; in no way am I pushing
this as doctrine; for the very heaven's themselves declare the
Glory of GOD !!!...I leave you with one thought; the Book
of Revelation tells us that all those of this creation who
are saved will inhabit the New Jerusalem which will have
Twelve gates and Twelve Angels will be
guarding each gate; what do you think is outside of the
New Jerusalem ? and where are all the other millions of
Angels ? ( Book of Revelation 21 : 12 )...I
know in my heart and spirit that this observation &
'hunch' of mine will be confirmed in eternity; meanwhile
you and I are still 'stuck on planet earth'
surrounded by temptation and hostile forces that threaten our relationship
with GOD; let us fight the good fight of faith then !!!
...What is sad and
'somewhat tragic' is that according to the Book Genesis
and Revelation we were never meant to colonize nor explore other
planets; not even Mars our closest neighbor; much less the vast
billions of others spread out thoughout this vast Universe which is
also home to billions of other Galaxies...We are very good at :
killing, enslaving and despising each other here on planet
earth it is "NO" wonder why GOD never authorized us
to 'fill and multiply' outside of this planet as commanded in Genesis 1 :
28, because He knew since before the foundation of the world itself that
we were going to need His special intervention lest we all kill
one another*...I have studied the Book of Revelation 'many,
many, many' times and I do "NOT" see or detect
'aliens' helping out the future Anti-Christ as some have
suggested on the contrary GOD does allow alien looking 'insectezoids'
( locusts* ) to come from the abyss of this planet to torment men
for 5 months ( Revelation 9 : 2-6 )
...I understand that most of us live very challenging
lives and 'could care less' or are 'totally
indifferent' about what's happening outside of our : city,
state or country; if we don't care or are interested about
our very own planet its very understandable why the vast
majority of us don't bother to look up at night at
the 'starry, starry heavens' and wonder what
if indeed it's all full of life ? and
where do all the other millions of Angels hang out ? ...In
Job 1 : 6 where had the sons of GOD been staying at ? ...
where were they coming from ?
By : mario romano; mario is an
amateur astronomer and a student of Bible Prophecy...He is very
grateful to have been given the opportunity to exist in this
'time and place' in eternity and even more grateful to
Jesus Christ because He made it possible for us to attain eternal
life through His sacrifice at the Cross*